Traditional Fofo (massage) in Samoa is a custom handed down across generations to relax and soothe the body. This unique oil provides real benefits for healthy skin. Aids healing of scar-tissues. Helps to relieve eczema, psoriasis and dry/itchy skin. Prevents stretch marks. Improves skin elasticity and anti-wrinkling. Natural moisturiser easily absorbed, leaving your skin smooth with a soft shimmer.
Frangipani (Plumeria) is a delicate scented flower Polynesian Women wear in their hair as a jewel.
Ideal gift for Valentines day, Mothers day and any other special occasion
Note: Coconut Oil will partially harden
at 75°F/23°C. Its quality is not affected. Place the open container in warm water for a few minutes to liquefy or use a spoon to scoop out your treasure.